Welcome to East Side!
We are a volunteer fire department providing emergency and non-emergency fire suppression, fire prevention, and auto extrication services for part of Saint Clair County, Illinois. Included in our response area are parts of Shiloh, unincorporated Belleville, unincorporated Swansea, and Fairview Heights.
On this website you can discover information on the department's history, members, upcoming events, community activities, and much more! Please be sure to visit our recruitment page to learn more about how to join our team!

On 02/24/2021, the East Side Fire Department responded mutual aid to Mascoutah Fire Department for a barn fire.

On 02/24/2021, the East Side Fire Department responded mutual aid to Mascoutah Fire Department for a barn fire.

On 02/24/2021, the East Side Fire Department responded mutual aid to Mascoutah Fire Department for a barn fire.

On 2/22 the East Side Fire Department responded for a vehicle vs tractor trailer on Carlyle Ave near Radio Range.

On 02/14/2021, the East Side Fire Department responded to the 3100 block of E B Street for a vehicle rollover.

On 12/16/2020, the East Side Fire Department was dispatched for a building fire. Upon arrival, found heavy smoke coming from a 2nd story apartment. Residents were evacuated from the neighboring units. Two 1 3/4” hose lines were placed in service and the fire was quickly brought under control preventing further damage to the building. Mutual aid was received from Swansea and O’Fallon Fire Departments.

On 01/08/2020, The East Side Fire Department responded for a building that was on fire. Quick action by the home owner using a fire extinguisher and garden hose prevented the fire from causing more damage.

On 10/10/2020, while on scene assisting O’Fallon Fire with a structure fire, East Side Fire responded for a structure fire. Mutual aid was received from Swansea and Fairview Fire.

On 10/10/2020, while on scene assisting O’Fallon Fire with a structure fire, East Side Fire responded for a structure fire. Mutual aid was received from Swansea and Fairview Fire.

On 10/10/2020, while on scene assisting O’Fallon Fire with a structure fire, East Side Fire responded for a structure fire. Mutual aid was received from Swansea and Fairview Fire.

On 10/10/2020, the East Side Fire Department responded mutual aid to O’Fallon Fire for a structure fire.

On 10/10/2020, the East Side Fire Department responded mutual aid to O’Fallon Fire for a structure fire.

On 09/18/2020, the East Side Fire Department responded for a residential structure fire. Arriving units found the back of the residence and attic involved. Mutual aid was received from O’Fallon and Swansea Fire Departments.

On 06/14/2020, the East Side Fire Department responded for a barn on fire. Upon arrival, the barn was heavily involved in fire. Mutual aid was received from Swansea, O’Fallon, Mascoutah, and Northwest fire departments.

On 06/14/2020, the East Side Fire Department responded for a barn on fire. Upon arrival, the barn was heavily involved in fire. Mutual aid was received from Swansea, O’Fallon, Mascoutah, and Northwest fire departments.

On 06/01/2020 the East Side Fire Department was dispatched for a car port on fire with exposure to a residence. Upon arrival, firefighters located a carport fully involved in fire with fire extending into the attic of the residence. Mutual aid was received from Swansea Fire Department.

On 06/01/2020 the East Side Fire Department was dispatched for a car port on fire with exposure to a residence. Upon arrival, firefighters located a carport fully involved in fire with fire extending into the attic of the residence. Mutual aid was received from Swansea Fire Department.

On 06/01/2020 the East Side Fire Department was dispatched for a car port on fire with exposure to a residence. Upon arrival, firefighters located a carport fully involved in fire with fire extending into the attic of the residence. Mutual aid was received from Swansea Fire Department.

On 05/28/2020, the East Side Fire Department responded for a fire in an apartment. Upon arrival, fire was showing from a rear bedroom window. The fire was quickly brought under control reducing damage preventing further damage to the other apartments. Mutual aid was received from Swansea and O’Fallon Fire Departments.

On 05/28/2020, the East Side Fire Department responded for a fire in an apartment. Upon arrival, fire was showing from a rear bedroom window. The fire was quickly brought under control reducing damage preventing further damage to the other apartments. Mutual aid was received from Swansea and O’Fallon Fire Departments.

On 11/15/2019, the East Side Fire Department responded for a structure fire in a vacant residence. Mutual aid was received from Swansea and Belleville Fire Departments.

On 11/15/2019, the East Side Fire Department responded for a structure fire in a vacant residence. Mutual aid was received by Swansea and Belleville Fire Departments.

On 12/28/2019, The East Side Fire Department responded for a vehicle accident near Lebanon Ave and St. John Dr. Upon arrival, firefighters located two vehicles with significant damage. Firefighters utilized hydraulic extrication equipment to provide access to 1 patient.

On 11/22/2019, the East Side Fire Department responded for a vehicle accident in the 1200 Block of Carlyle Ave. The east bound lanes of the road were shut down until the incident was resolved.

On 09/14/2019, the East Side Fire Department responded for a structure fire. Upon arrival, flames were showing from a window and skylight. Crews deployed a 1 3/4” line and brought the fire under control preventing further damage to the structure. Mutual aid was received from Swansea Fire Department.

On 09/14/2019, the East Side Fire Department responded for a structure fire. Upon arrival, flames were showing from a window and skylight. Crews deployed a 1 3/4” line and brought the fire under control preventing further damage to the structure. Mutual aid was received from Swansea Fire Department.

On 07/27/2019, East Side Fire responded for a fire in a junk yard with automatic mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department. Belleville Fire Department and Northwest Fire Department also responded mutual aid.

On 07/27/2019, East Side Fire responded for a fire in a junk yard with automatic mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department. Belleville Fire Department and Northwest Fire Department also responded mutual aid.

On 07/27/2019, East Side Fire responded for a fire in a junk yard with automatic mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department. Belleville Fire Department and Northwest Fire Department also responded mutual aid.

On 07/27/2019, East Side Fire responded for a fire in a junk yard with automatic mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department. Belleville Fire Department and Northwest Fire Department also responded mutual aid.

On 07/27/2019, East Side Fire responded for a fire in a junk yard with automatic mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department. Belleville Fire Department and Northwest Fire Department also responded mutual aid.

On 07/27/2019, East Side Fire responded for a fire in a junk yard with automatic mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department. Belleville Fire Department and Northwest Fire Department also responded mutual aid.

On 05/29/19, East Side Fire responded for a a tree down in power lines. The tree and lines eventually came down into the roadway.

On 05/29/19, East Side Fire responded for several weather related incidents. This tree brought down a service line to a residence.

On 05/26/2019, East Side Fire responded for a dumpster fire. The fire was quickly knocked down preventing the fire from spreading to the nearby structure.

On 05/26/2019, East Side Fire responded for a dumpster fire. The fire was quickly knocked down preventing the fire from spreading to the nearby structure.

On 05/26/2019, East Side Fire responded for a dumpster fire. The fire was quickly knocked down preventing the fire from spreading to the nearby structure.

On 05/26/2019, East Side Fire responded for a dumpster fire. The fire was quickly knocked down preventing the fire from spreading to the nearby structure.

On 05/16/2019, East Side Firefighters responded for a residential structure fire. Mutual aid was received from Belleville and Swansea Fire Departments. Quick action by the first arriving companies prevented the fire from breaching the attic.

On 05/16/2019, East Side Firefighters responded for a residential structure fire. Mutual aid was received from Belleville and Swansea Fire Departments. Quick action by the first arriving companies prevented the fire from breaching the attic.

On 05/16/2019, East Side Firefighters responded for a residential structure fire. Mutual aid was received from Belleville and Swansea Fire Departments. Quick action by the first arriving companies prevented the fire from breaching the attic.

On 05/06/2019, East Side Firefighters responded for a vehicle accident with injuries. Firefighters assisted with traffic control until Illinois State Police completed their accident investigation.

On 05/06/2019, East Side Fire responded for a vehicle accident with injuries. Firefighters assisted with traffic control until Illinois State Police completed their accident investigation.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/08/19, East Side Fire responded mutual aid to Swansea Fire Department for a residential structure fire. Firefighters assisted with fire suppression and overhaul. A quick knock down by the initial crews resulted in limited fire and smoke damage to the living space of the residence.

On 04/06/2019, East Side responded for a vehicle accident with injuries and entrapment. One occupant was extricated from vehicle and placed in the care of EMS.

On 04/06/2019, East Side responded for a vehicle accident with injuries and entrapment. One occupant was extricated from vehicle and placed in the care of EMS.

On 03/31/19, East Side Firefighters responded for a furnace on fire. Firefighters located an electrical component that burned up. The furnace filter was also almost completely blocked.

On 03/31/19, East Side Firefighters responded for a furnace on fire. Firefighters located an electrical component that burned up. The furnace filter was also almost completely blocked.
On 03/31/19, East Side Firefighters responded for a furnace on fire. Firefighters located an electrical component that burned up. The furnace filter was also almost completely blocked.

On 03/29/19, East Side responded for a vehicle accident with injuries. East Side assisted with traffic control.
On 03/27/19, East Side Firefighters responded for the smell of smoke and detectors sounding in an apartment building. Firefighters located a dryer on fire in the laundry room. The dryer was removed and fire extinguished. The vent pipe for the dryer was completely blocked.
On 03/27/19, East Side Firefighters responded for the smell of smoke and detectors sounding in an apartment building. Firefighters located a dryer on fire in the laundry room. The dryer was removed and fire extinguished. The vent pipe for the dryer was completely blocked.

On 03/16/19, East Side Firefighters responded for a brush fire. The fire was mostly extinguished by a group of citizens driving by. The fire was started by a resident burning yard waste on a windy day.

On 03/16/19, East Side Firefighters responded for a brush fire. The fire was mostly extinguished by a group of citizens driving by. The fire was started by a resident burning yard waste on a windy day.

On 03/16/19, East Side Firefighters responded for a brush fire. The fire was mostly extinguished by a group of citizens driving by. The fire was started by a resident burning yard waste on a windy day.

On March 10, 2019, East side responded for a vehicle vs. a utility pole.

East Side Firefighters with mutual aid from Swansea and Belleville Fire departments responded for a residential structure fire. The residence was well involved as a result of high winds. The fire was eventually brought under control and extensive overhaul was completed.

On the morning of January 7th, East Side Firefighters with mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department responded for a residential structure fire. Heavy smoke was coming from the residence on arrival. The fire was quickly brought under control.

On October 20, 2018, East Side Fire with mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department responded for a residential structure fire. Firefighters found heavy fire conditions on arrival. The fire was quickly brought under control.

On October 20, 2018, East Side Fire with mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department responded for a residential structure fire. Firefighters found heavy fire conditions on arrival. The fire was quickly brought under control.

On October 20, 2018, East Side Fire with mutual aid from Swansea Fire Department responded for a residential structure fire. Firefighters found heavy fire conditions on arrival. The fire was quickly brought under control.

On November 25th, 2017, East Side responded to a two acre cornfield fire off Frank Scott Parkway and Old Collinsville Road. Fairview Fire Department, O'Fallon Fire Rescue, and Swansea Fire Department also responded to provide mutual aid.

On 24 May 2015, ESFD firefighters responded to a fire in a 16-unit apartment complex. Several trapped residents were rescued, and the fire was stopped before it could spread to the entire building. Photo Credit: Belleville News Democrat

In February 2016, East Side responded to a bus that stalled-out while crossing the railroad tracks at East 'B' Street Rd and Green Mount Blvd. The bus was successfully moved off the tracks before any trains approached the intersection.

On 4 September 2016, the ESFD responded to a motor vehicle accident with injuries on Carlyle Ave at Radio Range Rd. Two motorcyclists were airlifted by ARCH Air Medical Services, and both survived their injuries.

On 10 March 2016, ESFD responded to a two-car motor vehicle accident at Hartman Lane and Richland Prairie. Pictured is Lieutenant / Paramedic Lombardo assisting MedStar with patient care.

On May 24 2015, East Side Fire responded to a fire in a 16-unit apartment complex. Pictured is Chaplain Coons safeguarding a pet rescued from the fire. Photo credit Belleville News Democrat

On 22 May 2016, ESFD responded to a report of a fully involved vehicle fire near Las Olas Drive. Pictured is Firefighters Lombardo and Malak extinguishing the fire.

On 3 April 2016, ESFD responded to a report of a structure fire. Pictured is Firefighter Stock rescuing a pet from the residence. Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire in its room of origin, saving the home from further damage.

On 5 September 2016, ESFD responded to a report of a structure fire near Richland Prairie. Pictured is Firefighter Vincent extinguishing the fire in the crawlspace under the duplex. The fire is believed to have started when lint escaped a broken dryer vent and ignited. The fire was contained to the crawlspace, preventing over $200k in damage.

On 9 September 2016, ESFD responded to a vehicle fire on S. Green Mount Rd. Pictured are Firefighters Stock and Chavaree extinguishing the fire.

About US
Discover our history, information about the department, and meet the men and women who make-up our family!

Find out how to get in contact with us for all your emergency and non-emergency needs!