Burn Information
Unincorporated Areas:
Common yard waste may be burned on the site that it is generated.
Burning of garbage or items that are not yard waste is not permitted.
The fire must be attended at all times.
Means (water) to extinguish/control the fire must be readily available.
Village of Shiloh:
(2) It shall be unlawful except in an Non-Urban (NU) Zoning District to:
(a) Openly burn any debris or trash except for common yard waste (i.e. leaves, tree/scrub limbs, grass and the like) and only that which is generated on the property on which it is being intentionally burnt. It is further unlawful to burn at any time any noxious or poison weeds, vegetation and/or shrubs, such as, but not limited to, poison ivy, poison oak, sumac or other related vegetation that is determined to be noxious or poisonous and is a threat to the well being and public health of the general community. Violations are subject to immediate abatement and violators are required to pay all costs associated with abatement of the violation(s);
(b) Burning will be permitted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday between March 15 through June 1 and from October 15 through December 15;
(c) Burning on any public or utility easement is prohibited; and
(d) Burning that creates an excessive amount of smoke is prohibited.